After Being Rejected For 720 Days, Dog Sits By Himself In Sad Corner Of Shelter 20.11.2023admin Drools, a 4-year-old Pit Bull-Boxer mix, was brought to the rural Conour Animal Shelter in Monte Vista, Colorado, nearly two years ago. After [...]
Officer Adopts Abandoned Dog He Rescued In The Rain 20.11.2023admin It was a chilly, rainy afternoon when NYPD Officer Michael Pascale first met Joey. He was driving his cruiser through a public park [...]
9 Weeks Pregnant Mama Dog A.ban.doned In Front Of Our Shelter Gave Birth To 14 Little Cute Puppies! 20.11.2023admin At least she was somewhere safe to have her babies…! Absolutely gorgeous mom Super cute babies. What is wrong with people… At least [...]
A GENEROUS MAN CREATES A 46-ACRE SANCTUARY WHERE STRAY PIT BULLS CAN RANGE FREELY. 19.11.202319.11.2023admin Pit bulls are frequently mischaracterized as “dangerous” canines. These dogs can be tremendously devoted and caring, yet they frequently suffer from careless owners. [...]
The most talented carpenter named Elias 19.11.2023admin In the quaint village of Oakridge, Elias was renowned as the most talented carpenter. His hands moved with a grace that transformed rough [...]
Panicking Dog Wakes Up Family Just In Time To Save Their Baby’s Life 19.11.2023admin Dogs have always been humans’ real-life guardian angels and that they have helped save us from dangers and calamities repeatedly – thus, saving [...]
3-Day-Old Albino Puppy Was Given Zero Chance To Survive, This Is Him Now 19.11.2023admin Some dogs just never get a fighting chance. As a result of irresponsible breeding, many furballs end up being kicked out on the [...]
Guy Saved A Wild Fox From A Fur Farm And They Became Best Buddies Since Then 19.11.2023admin Love may come in different forms and ways. Perhaps you might find the true love of your life among your friends, at your [...]
24 Huge Great Danes That Have No Idea How Big They Are 19.11.2023admin Great Danes are mostly known as the real gentle giants of the canine world. They can grow at at least 30 inches from [...]
Dog Leads Rescuer To Collapsed Tree And Surprises Her With Astonishing Situation 19.11.2023admin For Mitzi Brogdon, the director of Street Dog Rescue & Recovery, animal rescue is an amazing job. By doing this meaningful activity, she [...]